土地增值稅政策對股市之影響(Stock Market Reactions to the Land Value Increment Tax Policy)
參與式預算制度對預算寬列傾向影響之實證研究-以任務不確定性及偵測預算寬列能力為調節變數(The Effect of Participative Budgeting System on the Propensity of Budgetary Slack - Task Uncertainty and Slack Detection as Moderating Variables)
平衡計分卡制度建構之探討-以計畫性生產工廠為例(A Study on the Construction of the Balanced Scorecard System: The Case of a Planned Military Factory)
公共工程預算執行之策略性績效衡量指標-平衡計分卡之應用(A Study on the Strategic Performance Evaluation Measures for the Execution of Public Construction Budgets-An Application of the Balanced Scorecard)
ERP對會計作業之影響(The Impacts of ERP on Accounting Activities)
中華郵政公司績效管理制度之研究-以平衡計分卡為架構(The Study of Chunghwa Post Company Performance Management System - A Balanced Scorecard Framework)
高階主管薪酬結構、支配能力與研究發展支出(CEO Compensation Structure, Dominance and R&D Expenditures)
策略性績效評估系統對銀行債務管理績效影響之探討:以權益公平認知與目標一致性為中介影響變數(The Effects of Strategic Performance Measurement Systems on Bank Loan Management Performance: Equity Fairness Perceptions and Goal Alignment as Mediators)
公司自我選擇聘任會計師與審計公費(Self-Selection of Auditors and Audit Fees)
管理會計知識、財務誘因與沈沒成本(Managerial Accounting Knowledge, Financial Incentives and Sunk Costs)
探索非財務績效指標對台灣企業績效之影響及其渠道(Exploring Taiwanese Companies' Use of Non-financial Performance Measures and the Channels whereby Performance Effects Arise)
政治關聯、管理者能力與公司績效之關聯性(The Relationship among Political Connections, Managerial Ability, and Firm’s Performance)
經理人能力與盈餘管理之關聯(The Association between Managerial Ability and Earnings Management)
創新能力與被投資國家競爭力對營運績效之影響-重要客戶密集度的中介角色(The Impact of Innovation Capability and National Competitiveness of Investee Countries on Operating Performance: The Mediating Role of Important Customer Concentration)
企業創新能力和董事會多樣性對聘任審計產業專家之影響(The Impacts of Corporate Innovation Capability and Board Diversity on Hiring Industry Specialist Auditors)
經營團隊能力與總經理權力對審計意見購買之影響(The Impact of Management Team Ability and CEO Power on Opinion Shopping)