盈餘與股價因果關係之實證研究(An Empirical Study for the Casuality between Earnings and Stock Prices)
會計師更換時機對年報揭露時效及資本市場之影響(The Effect of the Timing of Auditor Changes on Reporting Lags and Stock Markets)
控制股東代理問題與盈餘資訊內涵之關聯性研究—以台灣上市公司為例(Ownership Structure and the Informativeness of Earnings: Evidence from Taiwan.)
管理當局盈餘預淵態度與自願性盈餘預測資訊內涵的關係(The Relationship between Management Forecast Attitude of Earnings Forecast and the Informativeness of Voluntary Earnings Forecast)
月營收編製基礎變動前後資訊內涵之比較(Information Content Comparison of Monthly Sales Before and After Change of Preparation Basis)