摘要Abstract | 歧視問題在台灣並未受到廣泛的注意與重視,例如在會計領域中, 男女性在各種考試及日後成就上所呈現出不一致的結果,是否即隱含某種 程度的歧視,相當值得探究。台灣歷年來的相關歧視研究,大多以台灣整 體社會現象為研究對象,而對於如會計師事務所之專業型組織的研究卻付 之闕如。 本文研究目的,在試圖瞭解台灣地區的會計師事務所中,是否可能存 在著性別歧視,其嚴重的程度和可能發生的原因;並希望藉此引起相關主 管單位的注意,以作為人事政策調整上的依據,期望人力資源在未來能得 到充份的運用。 本研究對性別歧視之衡量,主要分為客觀衡量與主觀感受二個方向來 進行。在客觀衡量部分,經相關文獻之探討,本研究採用適當之衡量模型 與變數,在進行迴歸分析後,發現台灣地區之會計師事務所似乎可能存在 著性別歧視,而歧視之來源則偏重於中南部地區、非六大會計師事務所、 及目前服務年資為 5~20 年之群體。在主觀認定部分,則針對雇主、顧客、 及同僚三方向,設計相關情境以了解身在其中的當事人之真實感受及看 法,經歸納分析後之結果,我們推測事務所中性別歧視現象,較可能因雇 主(對合夥人階層)及顧客的優先選擇男性而引發。最後,我們根據本研究 之結果,對會計師事務所、政府及後續研究者,提供一些建議以供參考。The purpose of the study was to determine the extent of possible discrimination against female auditors in Taiwan’s CPA firms and to provide some possible explanations for why the possible discrimination took place. The study took an economic perspective to explain the social phenomenon of sexual discrimination, for example, salary inequality, by viewing individual auditors in terms of human capital and addressing differences in capital formation as explanatory factors for the salary inequality. After the salary inequality that can be explained by the differences in human capital variables is controlled, the remaining inequality, thus, may be attributed to discrimination. Based on the review of literature on sexual discrimination, we adopted two quantitative models and used the self-developed questionnaires for data collection. From the regression analysis, the study found that 44.38% of the male-female salary differential in Taiwan’s CPA firms is attributable to the effects of possible sexual discrimination. In addition, based on the respondents’perceptions, sexual discrimination may come from employer discrimination and customer discrimination. The implication and suggestions for CPA firms, the government, and researchers are also provided. |